How To Choose A Stroller

written by stroller expert Karyn Allen
How To Choose The Best Lightweight Stroller
A lightweight stroller can make life much easier and simpler. They weigh less than 20 pounds and are designed to be portable and convenient. They usually fold up easily and are smaller than heavier strollers, making them ideal for families who like to travel. When shopping for a lightweight stroller, it is important to choose the best one that will fold easily and makes it easier for you to transport.
If you want to choose the best lightweight stroller out there, there are certain things you need to consider to make the most ideal choice. Below is a guideline that will help you to choose the perfect stroller for you and your baby’s needs.
1 Consider the Performance
The performance of the selected lightweight stroller is very important. The performance of lightweight strollers varies but the most ideal ones are consistent and last longer. However, it may be difficult to find out which one is designed stronger. A look at the materials used for the design will give you some hints on its performance. But remember that what the company says about the product is not always true. Look at the features and design of the stroller to find out if its performance can be consistent.
2. Consider the weight and size of the stroller
One of the most important criteria for choosing the most ideal lightweight stroller is the size and shape of the stroller. You will need to consider the stroller that provides more comfort as you walk upstairs. You also don’t want to buy a stroller that takes too much space in your room. A compact lightweight stroller with good recline should be chosen over other types of strollers. In this regard, an umbrella stroller will be the best way to go considering its compactness and ability to fold up easily.
3. Recline or no Recline?
Some strollers have reclines while others don’t. Generally, reclines make strollers heavier and bulkier. Reclines are very useful if you have a child that still naps. But if this is not the case, you will be better off choosing a stroller that doesn’t have one, which gives you a compact looking stroller.
4. Select a stroller with a carry strap
Although this feature is not as important as other features, a carry strap will make it far easier to carry around and transport the stroller. It helps you easily drag the stroller down the stairs or on the way when out shopping with your child. This carrying strap and the fold functionality will make things quite easier and simpler while traveling with your child.
5. User reviews
For those who want to get confirmed about the quality of the stroller before purchasing, reading the online reviews is a must. By reading the reviews on the online stores, product’s page, and other review websites, you can be sure that the product is being used by several other parents and has not any defect regarding the material and build quality. You can also talk to acquaintances before making any final decision.
6. Storage basket
Strollers with a storage basket can come in handy especially if you have a need to keep some items around you. But you have to decide on the type of storage basket to have. Generally, smaller baskets mean smaller strollers while bigger baskets are attached to bigger strollers. So, if you don’t have many things to carry, a stroller with a smaller storage basket will be ideal. Alternatively, you can carry a backpack and do away with a stroller attached with storage basked to keep things more compact.
7. Checking for safety
Safety is another important criterion you need to consider before buying a lightweight stroller. To make sure you are providing the very best lightweight stroller for your little bundle of joy, you should ensure that the stroller meets certain US and Canadian safety and health standards. Let’s face it, not all lightweight strollers are designed with the best safety measures at heart. The stroller you finally choose needs to be measured against the following safety standards before making your purchase.
Look at the label of the stroller and make sure it has information concerning the model number, manufacturer, and date of manufacture.
The brakes should be very effective and the locking system on the folding model must prevent any accidental collapse of the stroller.
The stroller must feature a safety harness or lap belt which is securely attached to the stroller frame or seat.
Make sure the stroller is not manufactured before 1985. Any stroller made prior to this date is not safe to use and does not meet the US and Canadian safety standards
Additional Tips on selecting the ideal lightweight stroller
Below are some hints that will put you in the right direction when choosing the right lightweight stroller for your baby.
If you always move around with your car, it will be ideal to obtain a stroller that fits comfortably in your car and can easily be carried out when needed.
You should be ordering a compact stroller if you have a little storage area in the home, live in a city, or take public transportation quite often. You will need a portable stroller that is easier to transport and fold.
There are different sizes of strollers for different ages and weights of children. Your baby should sit comfortably in the lightweight stroller you select. Ensure that the stroller is convenient and suitable for your child’s age and weight.
Just as you care for other things in your home, a stroller also needs periodic maintenance and regular check to make sure it’s always in good condition. Check whether the screw needs to be tightened. Also, find out if the tires have gone flat. Making this regular check a part of your routines helps prevent injuries and mishaps.
Make use of the harness system at all times to make sure your child doesn’t fall out accidentally. Also, do not allow your baby to stand up in the lightweight stroller to make certain the stroller doesn’t tip over. All these will help prevent any injuries or accidental falls when carrying your child on the stroller.
With all the options and different brands available in the market today, selecting the right stroller may be a daunting task. But it is better to investigate and buy the best lightweight stroller than to walk into the shop and pick up just any stroller you think is great. Their differences may not be easily distinguishable but their versatility and impact on everyday use make it vital to investigate before you make your purchase. All you need to do is to understand what you are looking for in a lightweight stroller and decide on the considerations that matter to you. Fortunately, we have made this job easier for you by providing the above features to guide you when selecting the best stroller option for your convenience and your child’s comfort. Now, if you want to buy a lightweight stroller, you will need more information about the best/top rated lightweight stroller, take a look at our top 10 lightweight strollers to save your time finding out the best one.
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